HPBA Update on Solid Fuel Insert Standards

HPBA has released an update on the UL’s new solid fuel insert standards, specifically regarding requirements for installers.

Eric Adair, Senior Manager of Codes & Standards for HPBA, has recorded a presentation and we are making it available for you to view at your convenience. If you have any questions after viewing the video, please contact Eric Adair.

Help MAHPBA Fight Forced Electrification & Gas Bans

All across the country, a number of states and localities have implemented or proposed policies that restrict the use of gas appliances in homes and businesses. In an effort to educate our membership and their customers, and to dispel the myths created by the electrification movement, we have created this page as a resource for information.

If you have any questions or if you are aware of pending pro-electrification initiatives in your locality, please reach out to MAHPA at admin@mahpba.org or to one of our Government Affairs Committee Directors (listed below).

For your reference, we have created an informational flyer and brochure. In addition, we have created state-specific websites for states that have pending electrification legislation:

Smart Heat New Jersey

Smart Heat Maryland

MAHPBA Government Affairs Committee Contacts:

  • Rick Lapp, Chair & Delaware Director
  • Kurt Evers, Maryland Director
  • Ron Kessner & John Susnosky, New Jersey Directors
  • Justin Kaufman, Pennsylvania Director


New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan (NJEMP) requires zero-carbon fuels by 2050. While we support efforts to reduce carbon emissions, the NJEMP would require all space and water heating to be electric, eliminating affordable natural gas and propane as options. This will put the gas hearth industry in jeopardy and cost consumers $20,000 to switch to electric heat in their homes.

Senator Vin Gopal has announced that he will introduce legislation after the election prohibiting the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection and the N.J. Department of Community Affairs from adopting regulations mandating solely electric heat.

Take action now by sending an email via this link to your state Senator and Assembly member urging them to support Senator Gopal’s bill.

COVID-19 Resources

HPBA COVID-19 Resources

HPBA webinar featuring retail members and their strategies for doing business during the COVID-19 pandemic

U.S. Small Business Administration – Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – loans to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the crisis

OSHA Workplace Guidelines

State Resources:

Delaware Governor Carney – Executive Orders

District of Columbia Mayor Bowser – COVID-19 Resources

Maryland Governor Hogan – Executive Orders

New Jersey Governor Murphy – Executive Orders

Pennsylvania Governor Wolf – COVID-19 Resources

Introduction to “The NJ Issue”

NJ Issue Website

N.J. Administrative Code 13:32A – Also known as the New Jersey HVACR Licensing Law.

 If you are a Hearth Products Professional and you haven’t heard of this newly enforced code – PLEASE PAY ATTENTION – Because it has the potential to not only restrict the installation of gas lines but could in the future restrict the installation of Hearth Appliances and the Vent Systems that serve those appliances. The only winners here are licensed plumbers and HVACR Contractors.